Wednesday, October 20, 2010


look. i'm writing again.
i must be avoiding something ridiculously painful. like studying.

it's odd. i want to be an academic. really i do. why settle for ms when i can have randomus latinus after my name? only shit thing is studying. i like learning, but tests make me wanna spend the afternoon cataloguing my not so not stolen music. and - apparently - blog. but i only have one more.

one more test. in my life (maybe).
really it's one test, four exams. but exams are a different flavour. i'm better at exams than tests. tests have that air of unseriousness (i mean, it feels like if you stuff up there's always the exam to fix things). exams have a finality even i can't ignore. it's like a weight.

next year it's just learning. and writing. and maybe play teaching.
paradise. well, easy lifestyle rather.
also, lots of guitar. next year there'll be lots of guitar.

maybe i should sleep.
can't - drank too much coffee.
maybe i should study. ha, that was funny.

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