Sunday, June 21, 2009

twenty one, three months, some extra

i have no doubt that these are the best days of my life - it's actually the firm belief that it's all downhill here on that really worries me.

i'm eking out the last few possible moments as my parent's financial burden, am scientifically unemployable, have the usual fortune due in student debt and have no idea where this is all leading. by this i don't just mean this loosely constructed, badly grammertised text; i mean the bigger this in life. what am i going to do with mine.

thing is, i do have a definite and organised skill set. it's just useless.
it has taken me twenty one years, three months and some extra to realise that no one's ever gonna pay me to party (and i mean lohan effects), play video games from the late nineties (final fantasy, the first few tekkens and the like) and that playing at being a rockstar won't actually get me on a real stage.

i s'pose this is my quarter life crisis. and thinking about death at eighty five kinda makes me wonder what the flippity flip I'm gonna be doing for the next sixty four earth cycles.

really wish i could get all middle aged and buy a brand new something shiny with wheels - but i don't even have a something dull on wheels.

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