Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a blog is not for christmas


I suppose this means I'm back. But this probably means nothing to you as you have no idea who I am.
We-ell (so you read it like that annoyingly condescending teacher you hated all through high school):
1. I'm not an annoying teacher (I might've left it at "I'm not annoying" but I'm not sure if that would've been a lie).
2. I used to have a way cool blog.
3. I started said way cool blog 'coz I was on vac at my parents house, was bored and needed something to immerse myself in.
4. I ended said way cool blog 'coz once I got back to my real life in Cape Town, I lacked the time (and effort) needed to continue.
5. I'm resurrecting said blog 'coz I am on vac at my parents house, am bored and need something to immerse myself in.

That is why I'm back - as opposed to simply arriving.
And yes, I am suitably ashamed.

So I now vow to never again dump my blog baby in favour of a social-slash-academic-slash-personal life. And, of course, by personal I just mean solitary Friday night pizza, beer and Scrubs re-run affairs.

What is incredibly frustrating is that I lost all my cyber goodwill when I ended this the first time round. No more award winning posts; avid reader base; umm... stuff.
Ok, maybe I didn't lose much.

Now all you need to do is promise your unending love and support or maybe just an occasional look in.

PS. I know my current moniker is daft (ha ha: draft), but I was running out of ideas and I like green.

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