Thursday, January 29, 2009

And my head hurts

It's been an odd coupla weeks.

Since about the twenty second (day after I wrote my super important, life altering exam), I've been waking up either still drunk or heavily hung over. Except on wednesday, I took a break on wednesday.

Today I'm the latter. I'm having an issue of a time staying up and the typing is being accompanied by me slowly mouthing the words (alcohol makes me kinda slow and dull). Normally, this wouldn't be an issue cos waking up is normally the most productive thing I do. But today I have an interview.
Like for a job.
An actual paying job.

It doesn't pay alot, but maybe I'll be able to replace all the things I've ruined as a result of my drinking. Like my sunnies, my specs, my speakers, my dignity...

Maybe I should stop drinking.

But really, my head hurts.

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