Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I kissed a boy, and he liked it

Yeah, I changed his name to Boy. What you gonna do?

I'm still quitting.
I just wanted to share my little perry-esque drunken snogging moment. There's even a song.

Some time in the not too distant past, a really, really good mate of mine's good mate got dumped by his girlfriend. On the same night, I threw a revolving door mixer. The idea behind the revolving door (or just red door) is to invite everyone you know and have them come over and hang about for as long/short a time as suits them. That way you don't have your neighbours calling the cops cos there's a building code violation going on in your flat.

They called my folks instead. (just embarrassing)
Completely not the story point.

On said night, really, really good mate and his mate (his mate is actually my mate too. hmm... should i give names. and should I use their real ones. hmm...)

Like I was saying, Matt (really good mate) brought his flatmate, Boy (really good mate's mate - pay attention) along to cheer him up and get him to stop thinking bout his freshly acquired ex. Boy, obviously, spent most of his time sitting on my couch drinking late harvest white wine and checking his facebook.

Everyone else spent their time drinking late harvest and telling my neighbour what a wanker he is (he is).

Eventually someone picked up a guitar and all o'sudden everyone was gone. It's always a bad idea, unless you're a Followill.

Because I'm irresponsible and like gin, I suggested we (Boy and Me) tag along on Matt's find my drunk boyfriend mission. But Matt was just a little too drunk to drive. Obviously he needed to sober up first and the best place to do that was (again) obviously, the bar at which the then object of my straight girl crush was at. She was actually there on an extension of some work party and may or may not have appreciated my slurred introduction to her boss.

Again not story point.
Story point:

Boy looked all sad and drunk sitting on the slightly gross couch he'd only days earlier been making out on with the now evil ex. (that's pure conjecture. and she's not evil). Anyway, he needed cheering up but I could no longer afford to buy him the colourful shots that used to get him giddy. So I offered to kiss him

On the cheek.
And I did (actually, I kissed his neck, but that's coz I was ker-hammered). He said a lip kiss would be more cheery so I lip kissed him. Like we were six. Apparently that didn't count either. "ok, you kiss me then". He did. Like we were sixteen and on a schooldance floor (yes, the floor at a school dance).

The night continued as we found Matt's boy, lost Amanda's shoe (she'd been around from the late harvest moments) and I changed shirts on the dancefloor of some post goth indie kid dive bar while hitting on (trying at any rate) some girl who (turns out) works at my favourite brunch place. Which I now can't ever again go back to (it's the whole being semi naked mental image).

Unfortunately the night ended with a six am call that my cousin had been in a car accident. It wasn't bad: his biggest ish was that he'd lost his pizza when he crashed. Into a parked car. And he was sober.

Oh, I was lying about there being a song.

I just thought of this coz I was thinking how the only person I've ever kissed for the first time whilst completely off the drink was a boy. It was in high school and he was my boyfriend. Such an odd thought just four years later. But I still don't consider myself completely gay. Maybe I'll get all gender studies and say I'm queer.

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